October 28, 2008

Its Time, And Im Moving On

Posted in mixed up tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 7:38 am by run4rest

I think is time for me to start over now. I have been trying to hold on my old self, punishing my self not realizing how many experiences I loose out on. I have always felt that I have not done everything I wanted to do when I was younger. That I had to grow up faster to be able to take care of my self and the bad choices I made that had huge consequences.

I have been hurting a lot of people, stepping on many toes to get what I want. But I hit rock bottom in my 20s. II really do believe in karma and then it was my time to pay my dues.

But if i keep going on like I do I will truly miss out on the most important thing in the world, I will miss out on life its self. 

Now I feel like its over and done with. I have paid for my sins and now i want to move on. I don´t judge my self no more and neither would anyone else. It does feel god and refreshing. There is nothing that will get me down and I wont let myself feel like an underdog. I am a good person. I think its time for everybody else as well to know now.

I am thankful to god who gave me strength to believe, I believe now and with that I will succeed with what ever ill put my heart and soul to.


God bless, only he can judge me…