November 18, 2008

Human right’s.. everybody is entitled to…

Posted in mixed up tagged , , , , , , , , , , at 1:35 am by run4rest

Tanzania does not live up to the rights for obtainable health, so a lot of corruption exists. The government offers free care for TBC and cholera, among other things, but these are limited in reality due to lack of medicines, doctors, the distance to clinics and hospitals as well as the corruption among the hospital staff.

The most common causes of death in Tanzania are HIV/AIDS, TBC and cholera.

You would think that when free health care is offered, it would be much easier to be treated; however there is much ignorance and greed among the people. Most people do not even know that they can get free treatment for TBC and cholera.

Sure, it takes time for a country to develop, but it would happen much faster if the people of Tanzania were willing to develop. South Africa is a good example of quick development.

In Tanzania the people of the city have the power over the villagers since they are not as educated and easily become victims of others. 
It is not often you see villagers applying to hospitals/clinics and those that do, often have to wait many days before getting any help.

Health care is just one example.

According to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Penal Code, a person arrested must be questioned within 48 hours. However, this is not so in reality. Many days can pass before people are questioned. Torture is illegal, but it exists. Family members can be taken in and tortured to get a confession more quickly.

Do those arrested know about their rights? I don’t think so.

In order for human rights to be followed, the RIGHT education is needed in all areas of work people must be informed that they in fact have rights and not accept being treated like animals.

I think that the present President Kikwete will be making drastic changes when it comes to corruption. And it is exactly that which prevents Tanzania’s development.