November 6, 2008

” Change has come to America”

Posted in mixed up tagged , , , , , , , , at 11:19 am by run4rest

Did anyone think otherwise?

It was said that most of the black people would be voting for Obama and also 40% of the white people. There was no doubt in my mind that he would not win.

But now the pressure is on. To be the first back president… hold on

He is not the first black president. His mother is white and his father is black. How does that make him the first black president can many think.

The reason is no matter the out-spring of your family, as long you are colored you are always considerate black. If you are so white and only get your “color” during summer, then maybe they can call you white. But that is not right either. Cant the mixed raced just be know as that, mixed rase. why erase one part of there dna?

I feel that Obama has open many doors to the black people by becoming president, and I hope that he will turn around the credit crunch that bush has created with his unnecessary wars. 

Let us fallow his words… YES WE CAN….