November 1, 2008

28 days to go 26

Posted in mixed up tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 8:16 pm by run4rest

The time of the year has now arrived. 28 days until my birthday. I should be very exited and look forward the day I was born and celebrate it with all my friends and family.

But Im not really that exited this time around.

When I was 14 I looked forward to get 15. Buy that time I lived in storvreta  just outside uppsala. If  my memories does not disappoint me I had some friends over for dinner and afterwards we went out. Not out clubbing or anything, we went to a  very hot spot known to only to a small group of people. 

Here we were dancing our as off listening to classic old school. “Biggie, biggie, biggie cant you see. Some times the world just hypnotize me”. I felt good this day, everything was rolling on nicely. I even got home in time.

What i didint know was that my jacket was smelling weed and my mother caught it out. All I smoked that night was cigarets. At last she did believed me and I was telling the truth. 

When I turned 18 some classmates took me out for a celebration. It was really nice finally to show up you ID saying you are 18 and not go buy the back door as I was use to do. But here is the twist. The places we went to you had to be over 20 to get in. So back to the old procedure. Then when I finally turned 20 it was not as fun to go out clubbing anymore.

I had put up goal for me to achieve before turning 25. The only one I did not make was getting my driving license. Its not that I cant drive. Its just that I never got the time to get it done. And for every day going by I get more lazy. 

So… this year Im moving on to 26. After this there is no more discount. From now on I have to pay everything in full price. This mean that Im an adult now……….

As my first thing to do as an adult I will stop running. The lastest years I have always run away… from the cold winter to a hotter destination in africa. This time around Im going snowboarding in france.

See you at the slopes…